
Fifteen years ago I had the privilege of studying "Mei Zen" Cosmetic Acupuncture with Martha Lucas, L.OM.  "Mei Zen" means "beautiful person" - precisely how you feel inside and out after receiving a series of Cosmetic Acupuncture. Our countenance reflects our true health. Cosmetic Acupuncture balances the person's system while focusing on bringing vitality and lift to the neck and face. 

By placing many tiny needles in multiple points on the scalp and face, and choosing a few body points tailored to the patient's individual needs, the energy in the face is stimulated.  The integrity of the skin improves and the skin glows, bringing about a reduction of fine lines and the look of being well-rested and stress-free.  Cosmetic acupuncture does not mimic the look of a facelift, nor the complete erasure of deeper lines the way Botox does. Instead, it brings a healthy glow and a brighter visage, opening the eyes and softening fine lines.  It is not unusual for people to say they have been stopped by strangers and told how beautiful their skin is. Puffiness diminishes, facial muscle tone improves, circulation flows and blemishes shrink.

A typical series for moderate skin issues is 10 to 12 treatments, twice weekly for five or more weeks. This includes a 1.5 hour intake, during which I will ask questions particular to your skincare and, of course, your diet, exercise, sleep habits, stress factors, and overall health.  Though most people notice a difference after the third treatment, it is important to continue the series so changes hold as long as possible. Maintenance treatments are highly recommended every 4 to 6 weeks after, not only to receive the needle treatment but to check in about healthy lifestyle and general health. A bonus usually includes clearer sinuses and better-balanced hormones.

For weddings, reunions, job interviews, or simply to look your best without surgery, neurotoxins, or recovery time, consider Cosmetic Acupuncture!